Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Being Ella's Mommmy

Being the mommy of this cute little stink has been so much fun. I have learned SO much being a mommy and yes it is tough, but I wouldn't take it back for ANYTHING! As my Dolly grows into a mischevious and busy little toddler, I keep thinking how many things she has learned to do and NOT to do. Each day is a trial and error and I have been so blessed to have her as my daughter. Here are just a few things I have learned being the mommy of Ella:
1. "Bee you" means to lay by her at night and read a bedtime story
2. She has an undying love for cheese, any kind!
3. Bath time means mommy gets a bath too! Whether or not she wanted one!
4. Ella's favorite movie: Sandlot, Cars and Cinderella
5. Ella has a slight obsession with "lips" which is lip gloss
6. She has NO interest in potty training
7. Strangers are not strange, so she will go to anyone (scary)
8. "Come back" means to run faster in the opposite direction
9. Playtime consists of coloring, playdough, back to coloring, "treat", throwing the playdough and smearing the remains of "treat" on mommy.
10. Wipes are more fun to play with than a store bought toy
11. She loves to go on walks and play on the "sides."
12. It's very important to sing a song while brushing teeth
13. She has learned to beg for forgiveness rather than ask for permission
14. Dinnertime consists of eating off of mommy's plate (it must taste better that way)
15. And finally, a mile must be run throughout the house before going to bed.

We Love You Ella


Hope said...

Ella is such a cutie pie!

raedene said...

What an adorable picture! And it sounds like you're having a grand time being Ella's Mommy. :)