Monday, May 28, 2012

Early Birthday Surprise

 Early birthday surprise indeed! Not my birthday.... but the early birthday of our sweet little boy....TATE! Even though I still had 8 weeks of pregnancy left, this little guy was DONE being "cooked." I have come to the conclusion about our family and it is that we have learned to always stay on our toes. It always seems that in the Collett home we don't have many dull moments! a perfect example. 7 1/2 months ago I wasn't sure I would ever be able to have another baby and to everyone's surprise (and my own) we had our sweet Tate on the way. Since that day, I had fully enjoyed being pregnant and really tried to enjoy each moment of that little guy growing so miraculously inside. This pregnancy was actually very easy and I can't complain at all! Each day that he grew closer to full term I was one day closer to seeing my boy. I have been very anxious throughout this pregnancy and I know the doctors probably thought I was paranoid when I was asking to have an ultrasound and non-stress tests every other week! It seemed as though I intuitively knew something was going to happen but I did not want to be caught blindsided this time! Even still knowing Tate was only 32 weeks when delivered, there is a small part of me that was not shocked and it made it easier on the day he was born to not be scared. I just felt as if he and I were going to be okay through this all! 

On Monday morning (May 14th) I woke up at 6:30 am and felt that my water had broke. I knew this feeling all too well because the same thing happened to me when my water broke with Ella. With no warning and no contractions, I knew this was REALLY happening! Our little family jumped in the car and drove to the hospital and sure enough, not only had my water broke but I had lost 1/2 the fluid. The nurses said I would be on bed rest in the hospital for up to 8 weeks if that baby would still be okay on only 1/2 of the amniotic fluid. (For some reason I was under the impression they could sew it up and I would be home by noon).  The baby was doing fine and throughout the day I had no contractions and NOTHING to do. So, Jake surprised me with a little "baby" gift. Okay, it was more of a mommy gift but I thought a camera was an appropriate gift for the occasion (it also gave me something to do).  All day I laid there and all day they would not let me eat and barely let me drink anything. Both the nurse and I were convinced this baby was not coming and I should be allowed to eat....something! But I got NO sympathy from the doctor and he said if nothing had happened by the next morning, I would be okay to eat or drink. I laid there into the night and was very excited to have something on TV that I would enjoy, the opening season of the Bachelorette!! 
It wasn't until 2:15 am that I asked for some tylenol to take the "edge" off of some cramping and it was at 2:45 am that I recieved an ephideral and was dilated to 10+. I had told Jake earlier that night to go home, get some rest and go to work the next morning. At 2:45 am I was calling to tell him to please come be supportive while I had an ephideral and at 3:00 am I was screaming into the phone to tell him to get to the hospital, THIS BABY WAS COMING! Jake made it just as they were taking me into delivery, just in time to see the baby being born. Tate was anxious to join the world and even let out a sweet little cry when he was born (which I appreciated).  From start to finish I was in labor for 30 minutes and this little angel was the result of all this anticipation!

BORN MAY 15TH @ 3:22 am
4 lbs 1 oz
18" long 

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