Monday, September 17, 2012

Little miss sass!

 Oh our sweet Little Ella has turned into "Big Girl" sweet Ella. She has been such a trooper through the last few months and her little personality shines everywhere we go....even if it is Cabelas and trying on hunting vests. Ella is almost four and is in love with her little brother and going to preschool!

 At the beginning of the year we promised Ella that if she would get fully potty trained we would take her to Disneyland (even though we were planning to go anyway)! After many tears and frustration, Ella FINALLY potty trained and now everytime she goes to the bathroom she lets me know that she gets to go to DISNEYLAND! This girl loves her Disney Princesses!
Ella's first day of preschool and SOOOO very ready! She is still one of the younger kids in the class but she has made friends and I love it when she comes home singing a new song she learned in preschool.

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