Monday, September 17, 2012

The family

 Oh we are so overdue on a post about this family. I have discovered when you go from one child to two children your life outside of "mom duties" is very short lived. When Ella is at preschool and Tate is asleep....that is when I have my "time out." Tater Bug has gotten so big and I think is rounding about 12 pounds. He is four months NEW and full of life. Tate smiles, coos, kicks his legs frantically and drools....a ton! But you can see from the picture that this life is suiting him just fine!
 Jake loves planes and he finally got an opportunity to fly in one....and FLY IT! I made him promise that he could NOT die while on this excursion because we kinda need him! He had a BLAST! It is Jake's dream to be a pilot and be in the Air Force but since that is not happening, this is second best. Love this guy!

 Ella is always doing what Ella does best....into mischief! She is always so so busy and she wears me completely OUT by the end of the day. Ella is almost four years old and is finally potty trained, in preschool and tumbling, and gets to go to DISNEYLAND next month. Such a doll!
I am doing what I do best and that is being a mommy. I love being a mom to my two children and life has really sped up but slowed down (if that makes any sense) since we added our little miracle into our family, Tate. Each day consists of one tired mommy getting up, feeding the kids, running errands, making dinner,  giving baths and repeating the cycle the next day. Not much to complain about and I have the most patient man who takes care of our little family and puts up with ME! Life is good. So far we haven't had any accidents or hospital visits since the baby...knock on wood! Let's just hope the rest of the year goes smoothly.


Colette said...

Oh I love your blog. Thanks for the update. I love your husband too. He is amazing. It's in his blood. Come see me sometime. Love ya all

Colette said...

P.S. you are amazing, even though I don't know you well I feel your spirit when you are around and I love your blog. This blog helps me get to know you better. You are a doll. Have a great day.

Roxanne said...

Ok, so I still think about you guys and love your pics! You have such a cute family! Glad things are settling down and that you are all doing well! You always seem so happy and positive! Thanks for your great examples.